2756. Recovery

People who don’t teach speak of the breaks that teachers get as too much. I was once inclined to agree–not knowing the profession as I do. Turns out the break is entirely necessary. You take 8 classes, 150+ needy souls, and more papers than one person should handle and, yeah, you need a break. Perhaps I’m really reflecting on the fact that I also have the vestiges of a writing career, three kids, no wife, and I coach. It might be a lot.

The classes are over for a few days. The kids are thousands of miles away. The grading has subsided. Now it is time to recover. I’m taking a few days to get my head screwed on straight again. Rediscover my passion for all things. Maybe write a little. A lot.

The original plan was to go away. A physical change of scenery to get me right, but going away only means coming back to things that aren’t quite right and trying to get them there while the new round of classes are getting underway. So, instead I’m taking a few days to go away from routine; to go away from the responsibilities that are the lines I live in between; to figure out more about who I am, what I want, and where I am going.

Ought to be a dope few days.