2.309. Signals in the Dark

I am well aware of the fact that nobody is going to see this. The latest bit of migration drama upended the code that redirected those who hit the front page to this blogspace (powered by wordpress). It affords me the opportunity to, simply, not write. Only I can’t do that, because I am not doing this for any particular visitor. I’m doing it because it is my passion. Though passions can flame up or flame out, this particular one keeps driving forward. I am reminded every day that this is what I am meant to do. Likewise I am reminded that I am not giving it enough of my attention. I’m not doing enough to be producing enough, so most of the stories I’m meant to tell remain untold.

I thought up an exercise as I was driving home this evening. I thought about writing down a list of all of the things that are a part of my life and creating columns below each to consider the role and responsibilities of each. I should do this and I should journal about it because it sounds like a very effective life management strategy. It is the type of thing that will help me to understand where time is wasted and what is neglected.