2.318. Built for this?

A common slogan in sports these days is ‘I’m built for this.’ The slogan is meant to indicate one’s specialization and skillset as it applies to a specific task. In other words, you’re born to be that kind of athlete. Sitting here in a workshop for my college I recognize that I am not built for this. In fact, the business side of teaching is absolutely contrary to my personal nature. I’m not one for categorizations (sociology background not withstanding) but I am what you would call a ‘creative’ and a non-linear thinker for the most part. Now that means a lot of different things to different people but for me it means I have a lot of stuff up in the air and I pluck at it with the grace and skill of a juggler…

who happens to be in a low gravity environment.

In plain language, I constantly have a number of projects happening and peck at them all slowly as opposed to focusing my attention on each one to its completion then moving on to the next. I also almost never write out the guidelines and rubrics (in essence the after action report) of what I just did. I just don’t roll like that. I don’t like it and I don’t feel it works terribly well for my brain or especially my time. In essence, I do not care about such things.

Such things are the backbone of teaching and absolutely aren’t me.


The TV show Atlanta reminds me of what life would’ve been like if people had been slightly crazier than it was. Dj Khalid reminds me of what life actually is like for people who are seen as scions of the culture (if only by those outside of the culture). I’m learning that everything is spectrum.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Still have not fixed the site. It is low on the priority list right now.
  2. Cavs got blown out game 1. We will discuss this more Wednesday.
  3. Warriors put in work as well… (see above)
  4. Late nights are really not working out for me with the writing. I find myself struggling to put together words in a coherent way at any length. So the blogs get shorter and shorter and about less. I expect to blog earlier tomorrow.
  5. And more coherently to boot.