2.310. Reflections on a Monday Night

Working on the office and starting to fall back into the space a little. I need to rough it up. My partner talked about making these project boards and that space is ripe for it. What has held me back is a strange commitment to the stuff already on the walls. I think I ought to start with tearing it down–taking things off the walls and putting up project information reflective of the projects I’m working on now. I also need to get some new energy in the space–new images, new passages of prose. I need brain fuel.

And maybe snacks.

Definitely snacks. The space building has been a bit of a crutch. I do it when I want to avoid writing, which is absolutely counterproductive to what the space is for, so that is a problem. I need to work harder on getting the space in shape and getting myself in a mindset to actually use it.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I need to know how my Giants are actually doing and why they haven’t picked up Dez.
  2. School is about to be done for a little bit, so now is that time to buckle down and be a writer. In truth, it is always time to be a writer.