
Long before we reached the point of White House officials openly joking about sitting senators dying, we had already lost all sense of decorum. I recall hearing a journalist note that Trump is not the cause of such things but more likely the result. In truth I think it goes deeper. I think it goes to a corporate-driven social order more concerned with gaming the system than adhering to anything resembling finding shared ideals and culture amongst us all. Instead we fall victim to the same nonsense that plagues every nation. We crawl to our corners and regroup with those who are more like us than not and in that we forget our individuality in the face of what we see as a threat.

Some Thoughts:

  1. It is not lost on me that the days I spend with my partner are infinitely happier in tone and substance.
  2. Today is case and point as I am writing this blog without her near and the blog is not, IMHO, sufficient. This is not to place a burden upon her closeness but instead to reflect upon it. If you open your heart wide enough, you will be affected by who you let in. I am affected by her.