
Spent the evening making a balloon-powered car with one of my kids while the other two played much Fortnite. I’m enjoying this moment in time as the kids do interesting and fun science and math projects. I’m excited for the solid writing projects, where I can start to teach them about story design and help them explore my writing lab.

Yep, I’m officially calling it that now.

The project is not quite a dud, but it isn’t really that successful either. I need to start brushing up on my science and math. I haven’t used any of those skills in quite some time, and I recognize now how much I need them–if only to teach them to my kids and be able to be of service in the HW department.

Some Thoughts:

  1. My bookshelves need to be arranged properly. This place is a mess.
  2. And it smells like cat in here.
  3. That is exactly what I get for working in the sitting room. I’m going to have to spend more time here, so the cat spends less.. or just clean it more than once every lunar cycle.