7.483. Reflections on a Monday Afternoon

Where I come from the day is just getting started. Where I live most are fast asleep. Where I am it is nearing the hour that food places shut down for a slow afternoon chill in 87 degree heat and humidity. My day here has been going for hours, though I only recently left the house for the first time. My leaving saw me to the laundry and to pick up water and gatorade, core staples in this oppressive humidity. The Lady Talis was worried that the humidity would destroy her, but it is me who is destroyed daily. I sweat more now than I have in decades. Perhaps this is a good thing as the good Lady also reminds me that sweat conveys the toxins from your body. If only there were some way to cleanse the mind as we do the body.

My mind is a dark trap of ideas and sharp places. I hide from it as of late in the world of games. Starfield is my present escape, and I have sunken in too deeply. I play it with a regularity only matched by the long walks and outings we take on the daily. Thus as the body is purged and renewed, the mind avoids such ventures.