7.508. Reflections on a Saturday Night

Well, I’m back.

It took me a while to get right. I was drowning for a long time in this awful sense of being stuck in time and place–a groundhog’s day feel that was in fact what was really happening in the house and in the area surrounding it. I slipped into my office early in the evening after installing a new TV in the bedroom and sitting for the first movie viewing. The TV was one of my ‘small wins’ but it was enough to get me moving. I also spent time in the pool and was able to really think through how I want to use the backyard as multi-use space. Once I’m done here I’ll head out back to check out whether or not I can use a projector without a screen. Who knows? I will.

The main thing is that I am writing again. I feel like I was starting to fade hard, and I needed to read some good work that inspired. I did (and a continuing to do) that. Then I wrote a ten minute bit of fiction yesterday and now we’re off. It feels very good to be back and feeling like I am ready to produce. I am not exactly FULL of ideas, but I do have several spidering out of my brain and I am going to try to write down and think through as many as possible.

I’m stoked. I’m ready. Let’s freaking go.