7.484. On Writing

I find myself on a bullet train to Venice in search of another perspective on Italy. As I do so I am writing furiously, constructing more Shadowrun glee. The work is collaborative and makes me think of how I got to this point. I’ve been writing Shadowrun for several decades now. I cannot even remember when I started, but that first book I got to be a part of was called Street Magic, and since then I’ve been entrenched in the writing multiple times a year. I’ve written so many words and in so many books that I have lost track of exactly how many. This is all good. This is all growth. I say this as I consider how long I have left in this particular realm and what comes after.

I don’t know that I will write in the shadows forever. There are a few more novels lined up to be sure, and several years of sourcebooks as well. Beyond that, who knows? I want to develop a fantasy realm with the depth and reach of Westeros, but I have done little over the past few years to really develop that. I have always wanted to create a space legacy as well, but I haven’t even dipped my fingers into that realm besides of a failed RPG experiment called RimWorlds.

These are the things that keep me going. As I sit here writing, I am also (and always) thinking of what I will write next.