7.492. Plane Blog

A simple fact of life is Size Matters. Often you can be too large for the extremely small seats of an airplane and find yourself scrunched into a chair typing straight down into your half-closed laptop because the person in front of you has reclined to the maximum position, leaving you no room whatsoever. This is a size penalty. I find that my size is regularly penalized on planes. Should I lose weight to the level of my desire, that penalty will be slightly decreased, but I am long enough to recognize it will not go away entirely.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Heathrow is a lousy airport. I wish I could say better, but I cannot. It is crammed full of people and offers little by way of swift transit between terminals. BTW, when you do move between terminals you do so by bus. This seems so extra in this day and age. You built the Chunnel, England. Figure this out.
  2. I am 4 hours into a ten hour flight. I already watched Godzilla, and now it appears my downloads have expired. The computer thing is a bust, so who knows what happens next… I really expected to get some writing done.