
Orvieto could be a great place to grow old. Only recently have I given any real thought to the idea of growing old. I rarely paise to consider my withered future self in the timeline. I think that is not a thing most people think to do. We who are fortunate to grow old never see ourselves as such until it is unmistakable. I’m nearly 50 and that’s already very old. I feel enough of it in my back and bones to know I’m no longer young. But I have a long way to go. Many years and many nights filled with blogs like this one that trace into the past like signposts on the road of a life lived and loved.

I do tend towards the dramatic and the poetic late at night in beautiful places. That is another reason I could grow old here. Wherever I land will be a place to grow with and grow from. The Lady Talia and I will set roots against some distant shore and sprout a life seeded by dreams.

this is my promise to the future.