
one of my kids said that Trump is going to win in a landslide. He based this off social media, which is a good a gauge as any. As much as I wish for him to be wrong, he probably isn’t. This shooting is going to carry him across the finish line past the tortoise-like Biden for sure. Still, I will vote as my heart and mind demand.

so what if it breaks bad? Well, we can suspect that it will only be four years of bad and in that time I will have graduated the last kid and accrued enough time to retire. Perhaps that retirement fund will still be intact. I have no allusions of relying on social security, so the Lady Talis and I might as well depart for another nation. Who knows which? Do they chase you for student loans once you flee the country?

A lot can happen in four years, and that is what is most troubling. Obviously anything bad that happens in that time is the fault of the opposition party and anything that goes well is because of those in power. This is the fundamental way of politics—especially in a two party system. We are ‘blessed’ to live in such a system.