7.506. On Writing

I find myself wanting to build a novel again. I say build, because much of what I’ve been doing is simply writing the story as it plays out in that conduit between my mind and elsewhere (a clogged pipeline at best). By build I am talking about a well crafted outline that identifies the individual characters and the world itself as independent entities who happen to be engaged in these moments caught on our ‘camera’ and woven together into a thread in which one character is set at the center. I don’t know that this type of build works for every story. It may be the sort of thing that works best in revision where you have a list of questions you ask yourself about each moment/chapter. I mean it like thus:

  1. What is the weather? How does that impact what is happening around the scene?
  2. What is happening in the wider world outside of the scene? What if any connection is there to the scene itself?
  3. Consider the characters not directly related to the ‘action’ of the scene. What are their lives? What are they doing there?
  4. Consider the perspective of insect and animal life. How do they view this moment?
  5. Think of the land itself. What is the history of place that led to this land looking like this in this moment?

I’ve yet to come up with more, but these are largely the result of a lifetime of reading asides that ground the reader in time and place and provide a solid amount of background to where ‘the action’ is taking place, contextualizing it in a larger sphere of story. In part, I’d very much like to try building an outline around these moments and seeing how that shapes the world and perspective I have on the players in the story itself. Could be fun.

7.505. Waiver Wednesday: Hard Knocks Edition

4 episodes in and I feel like the Giants are really about to poop the bed. I mean the way it is shot makes the entire thing look like a crap shoot. Nobody really has a sense of who is talented coming out of the draft. I feel like there are moments when I fear the team is playing moneyball. Perhaps they totally are–I mean how could they not given the salary structures and the cap? Far too much reliance is put on QBs who are likely not that good. The margin between decent and good is so small, and the margin between good and game changing is so great.

Speaking of margins, the vids are already starting to come out and College Football is getting its game breaker plays and glitches. Some of the stuff is controller stuff the game is built around that you have to get those stick skills to exploit. Some of it is just video game magic.

That is a brief and underwhelming post, but ten is ten.