7.500. The Great Stall

All in all, stalling is going swimmingly. I have not done much of the writing I’ve intended, and I’ve properly allowed myself to believe in the fact that this is entirely okay.

It is not, however, okay.

The time has come to get back to the words in full fashion (and to shed this faux British writing voice I cannot seem to shake). I don’t have a plan as of yet beyond the standard butt in chair, though I feel this is not quite enough. You need a real plan when you sit down. You need goals or at the very least a direction. For example, I have a 3K word project I am sitting on. I know the first 1K fairly cold. I will sit down and write that next session, and see what happens from there. So, that constitutes a plan. Come to the table every day with a small idea of where you want to go and let your mind take your there… bit by bit.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Tuning out is hard. I’ve been avoiding most media and sinking deeper into the fiction, but it is a hard habit to break away from. Lots of work to be done there too.
  2. I suppose it is time to clean my writing board. Time to set new intentions.