7.400. Resolution 2024/365

If you read this on a monthly basis at least, you know that I have some thoughts for how the new year ought to go. I have yet to formalize that into a clear list of resolutions, because I do not normally believe in the concept of resolutions. However, words even lists are power. So with that in mind, here is mine:

  1. The Fat Issue: I have already started on this one. I mean to reduce my weight this year to 210 lbs. From there I will go for the 190 look. Seeing that I started this journey at 248 a few weeks back, this is a HUGE goal on my part. I intend to make it right. That means exercise and eating less. I am moving to foodieville in my mind. Small plates of lovely more often.
  2. Health and Hygiene: I am already a clean person, but I am really bad about checkups. I intend to have a tooth checkup this year and at least two doctor visits. I’m nearing 50 and I want to get there on healthy terms.
  3. Write Harder: I don’t give enough of myself to the words and the stories and I have lost my unconscious connection to that realm. I will do all that it takes to get that back this year.
  4. Love Harder: I suck at date night. I cannot let that stand. It is a symptom of a larger romance issue where I don’t devote the appropriate energy to the task. I will reinvest in showing my partner love.
  5. Game Smarter: I cannot just waste energy on gaming forever. I need to set aside reward time for gaming and, above even that, try new stuff.
  6. Organize: I need to clean and organize all my spaces and start being better and staying on top of a plan.
  7. Teach at Peak Talis: This year needs to be my best teaching year in a long time. I need to stay devoted and update my content to be the best teacher I can for these kids. Moreover, I will know names this year!