7.409. Turnback Tuesday

For today’s stroll down memory lane we are going back to August 2018, post 3.43. I called this one Writer’s Day, because it was about finding the mind and space to write every day for two hours. Looking back, that was a good thought but one that was doomed to personal failure. It actually took another two years to get to a two hours a day plan and even then it has continued to be riddled with fits and starts. I wrote then, “I have no expectation of living and not writing. I don’t believe I could or would exist peacefully in such a state. Even now when the ideas seem like the lone protozoa in an ocean of vapid thought” Yet the other day I questioned if I was going to continue writing, purely based on the how it impacts my life. It seems there is life without writing, and that life consists of basking in the presence of my lover… and video games. The thought that there is two hours of the day I can set aside daily that doesn’t include one of those two things feels tough. I don’t know that it actually exists at present, though I am fortunate enough to have a partner who wants to make that a reality at least four to five days of the week.

Maybe the real of my life is compromise. Writing seven days a week is soothing in the sense of having a routine, yet draining in the sense of never having a real chance to refresh. The lack of refresh has hounded me over the past few years and I have, honestly, struggled to stay creative as a result. Perhaps in my search for compromise, I find two days where I don’t write, and lock in more time and consistency on the days that I do.

7.408. Reflections on a Monday Morning

Back on the official grind.

Monday marks the beginning of the Lady ‘legger’s semester, which put me back in a work mindset. I want to be through some of these projects and back in the rhythm of the novel and novel writing in general. I have a lot of writing on the docket, which is ideal. I also have a semester to start, which is less ideal, but pays the bills as I attempt to rise into the next career. I am excited about this semester because it is my favorite season. Spring semester is all the good and quite little of the not as good. I get to play in a sandbox of classes that are both enjoyable and challenging. We have a Comic Con happening on campus which feeds directly into what I am teaching. All of that adds up to good time for me. However, it also adds up to a lot of things I need to be doing outside the general home life routine. In short, this all means I need to properly schedule and account for my hours.

I’m not saying this is easy. I am saying this is the hardest thing for me to do. In truth, the one thing I always find time for outside of this blog is time for at least one game. I play and write every single day, and I make sure each of those two things happen. Other things need to be as routine this semester or the whole mess falls apart. That is going to be the hard part. It requires making a schedule and developing the willpower to stick to it regardless of what else may be going on in my local universe. It will mean LESS gaming, which I dislike, and more butt in chair (which I also dislike).

In short, it is time to get down to business, because right now business is booming.