
And on the 2nd day we left.

Left entirely I mean. We pulled up stakes and disappeared into the frozen north. Three hours north to be exact. Decided to get out and get reset and get away from kids and the clockwork routine of a house that resembles a frat house more and more each day. For me I wanted to get out and get some space to clear my head and be a writer, but neither of those things have yet come to pass. The blog represents my first effort of putting fingers to keyboard and efforting to create anything that is greater and longer lasting than myself. I feel like it matters to look at things that way–I am writing to put out stories that make people think and care and feel. It has to be done with some level of mattering. It has to happen with a degree of purpose.

First is the clearing of the cobwebs and burned out gray matter that defines the past year or three. I’ve been on a steady decline since Covid. It isn’t that I never recovered, it is that the outbreak happened at a time when I was largely in transition and nothing ever settled for me to the point that I was able to feel like I was safe or healthy or settled entirely. I’ve watched everyone else around me settle into where they are and form routines and be able to hold on to something whereas the one thing I’ve held onto since the start of it all is this laptop. Even that feels transitional at this stage.

Time to find my center. Time to own this year.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The next 100 posts will be the first 100 days of 2024. (401-500)