
Yesterday was, by any definition of the term, a work fail. I did not get a single thing done. Instead I wallowed in the anger of realizing that my kids are quite lazy and largely happy with that state of being. It pissed me off. It made me not want to work so hard because why? It all too often feels like I am busting my hump to fall deeper in debt in order to make their lives all that easier so they can be utterly sustained in doing nothing.

I think this is what a lot of modern parents think and feel–save for the ones who are totally okay with their kids being lumps. Moreover, there is little to be done about it. We aren’t kicking anyone out and we aren’t imposing any rules that would change anything. So, I need to shift my focus away from the things I cannot change and get back to the real truth–which is me not doing my thing and letting the outside (no matter how close) influences be the issue.

I don’t know when I became the person who let the world win. At some point I lost my motivation and allowed myself to be ground down. None of that is helpful for a man this late in life who still has major goals yet to be achieved. More and more I am realizing my humanity, and how little time I may actually have here to get anything accomplished. I developed a serious tremor in my right hand that argues there is something fundamentally wrong with me that goes beyond controlling my weight. I will eventually seek medical help, but in the meanwhile I need to get unmoored from this idea of aimlessness and lock in on what I want to do in order to be successful. Writing this first thing in the morning, well, that’s a step. Now I need more.

7.406. Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon

Not a lot to post on this morning, so I will just share…

Some Thoughts:

  1. 7 on 7 season started. I wandered past to watch my boy work. He did okay.
  2. Picked up the calendar, which means I get to fill it out and make a solid plan moving forward.
  3. I will also be filling out a job app as a video game writer, because there are some solid sci-fi IPs popping and I could stand to make some money.
  4. Yeah, this feels like a day off blog, because I really don’t have much to converse about here…
  5. There is some coffeenerdness. I started a gift subscription to Drinktrade.com, a service offering small batch coffees from around the.. states? My first bag is called Huckleberry (Bom Senso). It comes in from Denver, Colorado. I’ll be providing details once it arrives.
  6. That reminds me of just how influential Peter King’s ten things I think remains on this posting. While I haven’t read his work much since he moved behind a paywall, I still find occasion to slip past the digital guardians (with or without $$) and get a taste of a writer who has been in the game most of my life. Still manages to impress. By now the writing is simply his voice, but the stories are always on point.
  7. I didn’t even get to ten. I am no Peter King.