
234! Exactly two pounds less than last week.

I feel really solid about hitting the goal I set for myself, which shows me that I have the ability to hit these goals, and if I really step up and do the work–do the exercise like I should–I can achieve the weight goals I set for myself and, more importantly, move closer to being a healthy individual. I’m proud of moving the needle down this far . I was nearly 240 a few weeks ago and I have worked for this ever since. I am doing much better with my diet, but I need to work harder and harder as a lose more weight. The first few pounds are easy. The last few are damn near impossible.

Change is hard. Patience is hard. Deliberate Practice is extremely hard, because the results are slow in the coming for the kind of work that I do and need to do in my life. My brother said to me “your calling isn’t necessarily fun all the time.” It was a statement I needed to hear, especially since I was starting to question if I wanted to continue on with my calling as a writer. I’m in on this. I am in on self growth and change. You will know I am no longer in, or I am dead when the blog stops.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Reading Russell Zimmerman’s Neat on audio. First Shadowrun book I’ve ever listened to. The narrator is supposed to be my narrator, so I am excited for that. I also think Russell is him. He’s the best SR writer on the block right now, and my competitive ass needs to dethrone him. My Imposter sequel will begin the to just that…