7.416. Turnback Tuesday

I’m not going very far back or to any specific blog post. I learned something about analytics the other day that stuck with me: People are not truly aware of their habits and tendencies. This applies to daily life as well. If I could do analytics on how and when I reach for the web or particular gaming apps, I would be interested in seeing how that measured up with where I was and even state of mind trends. I don’t know that my iPhone goes that deep in how it tracks my usage, but I may look. However, I have looked at daily work and personal trends by creating an activities checklist that includes writing projects (individually), time for creative thinking, meditation, cleaning of the house/space, finances, exercise, etc. I looked at these things over the course of a week and discovered what I do daily and what I don’t do. I have a list of 12 daily actions I tracked over the course of 7 days. The only one I did every day was blog. That therefore is my only successful habit.

Others are on the up. I worked on the novel for 6 of 7 days. I worked on school stuff for 6 of 7 days. I updated my to-do lists and built a daily schedule 5 out of 7 days. The rest didn’t go nearly as well. I only exercised 3 times, which means the Thursday weigh in is going to suck. My meditation and 30 minutes of creative thinking activities were worse than that. All of this tells me what I am doing and what I am not doing so I can decide whether to X out these things as important or to work on getting better and doing this stuff daily. For this week I will try to get better. Let’s see how that plays out in the Thursday breakdown.